Passive Haptic Rehabilitation: Improve Sensation and Dexterity after Traumatic Injury Using Wearables

Our Passive Haptic Learning gloves teach the "muscle memory" of how to play piano melodies without the learner's active attention. These gloves can also help wearers recover sensation in their hands after a traumatic event, such as a partial spinal cord injury. The PHL gloves are fingerless gloves equipped with vibrators at each knuckle. As a mobile MP3 player plays each note ofa song, the gloves tap the finger that corresponds to the respective piano key.

Faculty Lead(s)
Thad Starner
Student Name(s)
Caitlyn Seim
Main Contact
Thad Starner
Lab Name
Contextual Computing Group
Video Title
These Gloves Hack Your Brain (Stroke Rehab)
Video URL